Kata Kunci:
project based learning, 4c skills, learning videoAbstrak
This study aims to describe the implementation of project based learning which applied to bunpo shojokyu’s learning to build 4C skills (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) in Japanase Education Program of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. The subjects of this research are 4th semester students with total respondent is 33 people who programmed bunpo shojokyu’s learning in academic Year 2020-2021. This study used observation and documentation as data collection technique. Observations were made to observe the 4C skills of project based learning’s implmentation in bunpo shojokyu’s learning. Documentation were made to collect the lesson’s plan, learning video made by the students, and assessment of learning video. Based on the result, obtained that the 4C skills of project based learning’s implmentation in bunpo shojokyu’s learning by giving project to make a learning video that integrate 4C skills aspects in learning’s procedures and assessment.
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