Kata Kunci:
課題遂行, can-do, buying-selling expression, writing skillsAbstrak
This paper aims to determine students' skills in promoting goods to be sold or purchased in the Japanese community, while the learning objective of this topic is that students can write announcements on the Japanese community page or bulletin board about the desired goods and conditions. The project was given to 19 5th semester students who took the Sakubun Chukyu Kohan course. The book used in PjBL practice is the book 'Marugoto-Nihon no Kotoba to' Bunka Chukyu I, topic 8,Chapter 5 'Utte Kudasai', published by the Japan Foundation. The project is carried out in two online zoom meetings. Preparation for the first meeting is to convey learning objectives, preparation of writing essays based on the content to be written by looking at the reference model for writing essays. Students are invited to think about trying to buy or sell goods made to the Japanese community based on their respective experiences. In the essay writing section, part of the time is done at home, then it is collected on the fourth day after the first meeting. The results of the essays were collected using a spreadsheet. At the second meeting, peer checks were carried out. Based on the results of the calculation of the data, it was found that there were 127 data of promotional patterns/expressions, 94 data for each buyer's promotional expression, and 33 data for the seller's promotional expression. The recommendation of this research is, even though students are skilled in using Japanese in promoting goods, they still find inappropriate use of vocabulary and sentence patterns. In addition, the implementation of peer checks has not been discussed in focus in this study.
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- 2023-02-14 (2)
- 2023-02-11 (1)