HIRAMEKI https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki <p><strong>HIRAMEKI:</strong> JURNAL PENDIDIKAN BAHASA JEPANG, (E-ISSN: ) is an open access peer-reviewed journal, which is published by Universitas Riau twice a year (January and July). This journal is for all contributors who concern with researches related to Japanese language education, linguistic, literature, and culture. The articles must have not been published before. The articles can be written in Indonesian or English.</p> <p> </p> JAPANESE LANGUAGE EDUCATION PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF RIAU id-ID HIRAMEKI PEMANFAATAN VIRTUAL TOUR DALAM UPAYA MEMBIASAKAN MAHASISWA BERBICARA BAHASA JEPANG https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/98 <p><em>The role of technology in everyday life cannot be denied, especially during the pandemic, almost all activities are carried out using the internet network. One of the positives of this situation is that in the world of education we can explore and implement innovative methods of learning activities. The author tries to apply Project Based Learning method in kaiwa (conversation) courses, by guiding students to make virtual video tours. The results obtained showed that students were very enthusiastic in doing assignments, and not only Japanese they prepared but also video editing techniques. So it can be concluded that this project can encourage students' motivation to learn and practice the Japanese they are learning. The project application process and the results will be presented using a qualitative descriptive method, and the analysis will be presented informally.</em></p> Pika Yestia Ginanjar Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Pika Yestia Ginanjar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 33 36 MEREKOMENDASIKAN PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN KEIGO BERBASIS ANALISIS WACANA KRITIS https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/104 <p><em>The Japanese Language is one of the world languages which has several registers. The existence of these registers may often burden Japanese language learners in mastering the language. This is due to how the language changes registers depending on the social context. Keigo or Japanese honorific language is often difficult to understand for Japanese Language learners. Social context plays an important role in Japanese conversation and written texts because it can push speakers into using a specific Japanese language register, such as keneigo, sonkeigo, or teineigo. This qualitative descriptive Research through literature study aims to rationalize a Critical Discourse Analysis-Based approach in Japanese language learning in order to help accelerate the learning process of Japanese language learners. The study has shown that through critical discourse analysis, several social context factors such as power relations and social standing, which affect the register usage choice as well as word choice in language usage, can help Japanese language learners in understanding which honorific speech to use in certain situations. Therefore, this paper recommends applying a critical discourse analysis-based approach in the Japanese language learning process because it helps the learners in understanding the social context which accelerates the keigo learning process. </em></p> Rafi Ronny Wazier Raihan Ronny Wazier Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Universitas Riau https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 37 41 RESPON MAHASISWA TERHADAP MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING PADA MATA KULIAH CHUKYU BUNPO https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/111 <p>The best learning process is to involve students to understand the material actively, and lecturers <br>act more as facilitators. The learning process that focuses on students is called Student Centre Learning <br>or SCL. One of the learning models with the SCL approach is Discovery Learning, which is the process <br>of understanding a concept of the material actively and independently to then obtain a conclusion. In this <br>method, the teacher does not actively explain the material to the learners. Bunpo lessons or grammar in <br>college is a compulsory course of study program. Bunpo courses or grammar are part of the most basic <br>debriefing of Japanese language skills and knowledge. Because the mastery and understanding of Bunpo <br>or grammar will have an impact on other language skills such as listening (choukai), speaking (hanasu), <br>reading (dockai), and writing (stiff). The application of discovery learning model in grammar learning <br>(Bunpo) is done to find out the effectiveness in enhancing students' abilities and knowledge in <br>understanding sentence patterns learned in Chukyu Bunpo courses. From the results of the student <br>response it can be known that the Discovery Learning learning model can be said to be quite effectively <br>applied to secondary grammar courses (Chukyu Bunpo</p> Dewi Kania Izmayanti Hak Cipta (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 42 48 STRATEGI PERSUASI DALAM KEAMBIGUITASAN MAKNA KALIMAT IKLAN PADA WEBSITE DAN STREAMING VIDEO BERBAHASA JEPANG https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/116 <p>Advertising language is something interesting because it uses creative and entertaining <br>language to attract the attention of the audience. One of them is by using ambiguity or in Japanese it is <br>known as 'aimaisei'. In advertising language, ambiguity often appears in the form of puns, either in the <br>form of sound resemblance of one word to another or in the form of sentences containing jokes. This paper <br>aims to discuss how to interpret advertising sentences that contain ambiguity in meaning in website <br>advertising media and video streaming. Then how is the persuasion strategy used in advertising sentences <br>that contain ambiguity in meaning in website advertising media and video streaming. Applying library <br>research, the data obtained from the documentation are explained and analyzed. The results show that <br>there are five factors that form ambiguity in the meaning of advertising sentences on website advertising <br>media and video streaming, namely polysemy, homonym, homophone, homograph and differences in <br>grammatical interpretation. While the persuasion strategy of advertising sentences containing ambiguous <br>meaning in website advertising media and streaming video found four principles, including the principle <br>of commitment and consistency, the principle of social proof, the principle of liking, and the principle of <br>scarcity.</p> Afrilia Wahyu Syahadatina Hak Cipta (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 49 55 PERKEMBANGAN KOGNITIF PADA TOKOH CHIBI DALAM NOVEL SUGU SOKO NO TAKARA MONO KARYA YOSHIMOTO BANANA https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/118 <p>This is a research on the cognitive development of Chibi characters in the novel Sugu Soko no <br>Takara Mono by Yoshimoto Banana. This novel tells the story about a very active and cheerful child named <br>Chibi. This research taking up on cognitive development of Chibi characters in the novel Sugu Soko no <br>Takara Mono using qualitative methods with intrinsic analysis and literary psychologycal approaches <br>assisted by the psychological theory of cognitive development by Jean Piaget. The conclusion can be drawn <br>from this research is that the Chibi character has entered the second stage of children’s cognitive<br>development named the development of the praoperational stage.</p> Yofane Permata Lestari Rachmidian Rahayu Lady Diana Yusri Hak Cipta (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 56 63 MAKNA METAFORA KATA MIZU DALAM IDIOM: KAJIAN LINGUISTIK KOGNITIF https://hirameki.ejournal.unri.ac.id/index.php/hirameki/article/view/123 <p>Idioms are needed when expressing ideas without using a long, but the meaning of idiom cannot <br>be understood from its forming words. This research aims to understand lexical meaning, idiomatical <br>meaning and knowing the reasons for the expansion of idiom meanings using the word Mizu in terms of <br>the Cognitive Linguistic approach using metaphor. The research method used in this study is a descriptive <br>qualitative method, since the research involved collecting the data and example sentences, to analyze it’s <br>lexical and idiomatical meanings, to clarify the connection in lexical and idiomatical meanings from the <br>perspective of cognitive linguistics, then describes. The object of the research is limited to idioms that <br>using the word Mizu. Based on analysis that has been done, idiomatical meaning that shows up is <br>associated with character, circumstances, environment, disturbance.</p> Nur Izzati Hak Cipta (c) 2023 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2023-08-18 2023-08-18 1 2 64 70